Copyright: Umweltbundesamt

The six economies of the Western Balkans suffer from adverse air quality, especially during winter. By analysing the current status, identifying gaps, and strategizing necessary work, the economies are striving towards significant improvements in air quality, and thus towards the realization of the Green Agenda.

Within EU4Green a number of work packages have been determined to address several key areas regarding Air Quality Management, monitoring and emission reporting.

In order to improve Air Quality Management in the WB6 EU4Green will support the development of air quality plans with a focus on two major air pollution sources – domestic heating and agricultural waste burning.

National Reference Laboratories (NRL) ensure the quality of the obtained air quality data and their traceability to national and international standards. The already established NRL in Montenegro sets a precedent for the other Western Balkan economies. In EU4Green requirements for NRLs in all six economies will be discussed and specific approaches for implementation will be developed.

By monitoring pollutants such as heavy metals, PAH, and VOCs, chemical laboratories are crucial in tackling air pollution. For this reason, EU4Green aims to strengthen the capacities of chemical laboratories in quality assurance and control; expanding the set of monitored parameters presents an opportunity for further advancement.

Monitoring of ecosystem indicators covers air but also vegetation, forest, soil and water. The collaboration of different actors is therefore necessary and will be established through EU4Green. Furthermore, an implementation plan for a monitoring system will be developed in line with future legal requirements.

The Western Balkans responsibility for air quality will as well be supported by an EU4Green work package on air emission reporting and proposals for emission reduction commitments.

Leonid Nyshko -

Copyright: Leonid Nyshko -



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The six economies of the Western Balkans suffer from adverse air quality, especially during winter.

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