EU4Green: Support the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia
EU Funding
EUR 10 million
Austrian contribution
EUR 1 million
Environment Agency Austria
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and it is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo* declaration of independence.
Copyright: frankblum -
The EU4Green project supports the Western Balkans – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia – in implementing the ‘Green Agenda for the Western Balkans’, in greening their economies in consultation with all relevant partners and in enhancing monitoring and reporting.
EU4Green will contribute in the region to:
Copyright: Ugur Cimen Well with Nature EEA
To ensure ownership and strengthen acceptance, EU4Green involves decision-makers and stakeholders in the process. Making EU4Green as participative as possible contributes to building synergies, encourages new ideas and improves the quality of decisions. This will strengthen communication and cooperation between regional key institutions and stakeholders.
The EU4Green’s acitivities will also give specific support to the alignment of legislation in the economies to the EU acquis communautaire.
During the EU4Green project, the Western Balkan economies will improve mutual cooperation, aiming to bring economic and environmental benefits to a region of more than 20 million people.
The European Union finances the EU4Green project with EUR 10 million and the Austrian Development Agency with EUR 1 million, respectively. The project is implemented by the Environment Agency Austria in cooperation with public authorities and institutions of the Western Balkans.
The Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) will enable the entities of the region to overcome obstacles, develop and come closer to the EU in their green policies. At the same time, through GAWB, the European Union will provide financial and technical assistance through various projects and activities, to support the Western Balkan economies in their transition effort.
The economies of the Western Balkans adopted the European Green Agenda by signing the ‘Sofia Declaration’ in November 2020.
The GAWB Action Plan envisages 58 actions and 7 roadmaps for implementation, which focus on cleaning energy sources and protecting the climate, moving from traditional to circular economy, depolluting air, water and soil, building sustainable agriculture and food systems and protecting biodiversity and ecosystems. The GAWB Action Plan also envisages the adoption of the 2030 Energy and Climate Policy targets, such as pollution control, biodiversity protection and coal phase-out plans.
Copyright: Chinnapong -
Project Leader
Laura Hohoff, Environment Agency Austria
EU4Green [at]
Project Representative Albania
Abdulla Diku
abdulla.diku [at]
Project Representative Bosnia and Herzegovina
Maja Čolović Daul
maja.daul [at]
Project Representative Kosovo*
Maliq Pireci
maliq.pireci [at]
Project Representative Montenegro
Ana Katnić
ana.katnic [at]
Project Representative North Macedonia
Elena Gavrilova
elena.gavrilova [at]
Communication Officer Albania and Kosovo
Irida Haxhi
irida.haxhi [at]
Communication Officer Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro
Mak Kapetanović
mak.kapetanovic [at]
Communication Officer Serbia and North Macedonia
Nenad Konstantinović
nenad.konstantinovic [at]
Office Albania
Brigada VIII street, Building I, entrance I, Tirana
Office Serbia
Hilandarska 14, 11000 Belgrade
Office Bosnia and Herzegovina
Srđana Aleksića 15A, 71000 Sarajevo