Monitoring methodologies – workshop
Copyright: Umweltbundesamt
On the ground – 15 biodiversity experts visit locations
In line with the EU demands certain monitoring activities from its member states regarding species and habitats of Community interest, biodiversity monitoring is an essential part of nature and biodiversity conservation. It is only through accurate, reasonable and regular monitoring, that declines in biodiversity can be detected and acted upon. Therefore, this workshop elaborated on legal requirements, methodological frameworks and relevant indicators in order to fulfil the reporting requirements of the EU Nature Directives and the upcoming Nature Restoration Law.
The workshop and the following field visit to pilot sites in Montenegro and Kosovo* included 15 experts contracted by EU4Green for fieldwork. After the event, the experts are be able to carry out the EU4Green Biodiversity fieldwork at their pilot site independently. Furthermore, the workshop included the EU4Green beneficiaries: National Focal Points and all other counterparts from the six Western Balkans economies, particularly from Montenegro and Albania as assistance was requested for this particular issue. The event increased the participants’ knowledge on monitoring and reporting requirements under EU Nature Directives and respective data needs.